In „Wait for a wonder“ geht es um den verbissenen Kampf, das Unmögliche möglich zu machen und die daraus resultierende Verzweiflung. Am Ende bleiben zwei Möglichkeiten: entweder senkt man die eigene Erwartungshaltung oder man hofft auf ein Wunder.
A spell of rainy weather
Dark clouds hanging over my head
I’m soaking wet, my clothes weigh heavy
The flowers are drowning in their beds
They are drowning in their beds
There’s nothing that can ease the pain,
No soothing rain can cleanse my troubled mind
The flood’s washed all my dreams away
What can I do when hope’s so hard to find
Should I wait for a wonder?
When I try to catch a sunray in the night
I can only fail
When I give my best and there’s no hope in sight
Then it’s time to wait for a wonder
Wait for a wonder
I close my eyes, I take a breath
Dive into the corners of my soul
The rain seems far away now
Dark thoughts lose control of me
While I wait for a wonder
I Wait for wonder…
When I try to catch a sunray in the night
I can only fail
When I give my best and there’s no hope in sight
Then it’s time to wait for a wonder
To wait for a wonder
Wait for a wonder
Lyrics: Andreas Fechner
Music: Andreas Fechner